Carina Major in Psychedelic Ripple w/ Gunmetal Resin - #8 Nib - TWSBI Converter

Carina Major in Psychedelic Ripple w/ Gunmetal Resin - #8 Nib - TWSBI Converter

Regular price $460.00 Sale

Style: Carina Major 15  
Resin: Gunmetal by The Pensmiths
Accent Resin: Psychedelic Ripple by Eugene Soto
Trim: Stainless Steel
Clip: Stainless Steel - Shredded Hammered Finish
Converter: TWSBI Extra Large 
Nib: #8 Steel Nib. Your choice of Bock, polished steel in Fine, Medium or Broad OR Magna Carta Gold Plated in Fine or Broad. Please Select ONLY One Of These.